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Skulptur ved Glumsø Station. Tragtskulpturens form gentager bevægelsen af folk spredt i oplandet, som samles et sted, på stationen, for derefter at spredes igen i alle retninger. Skulpturen peger på stationen som et værdifuldt infrastrukturelt element i Glumsø.
En hilsen til Aagaard Andersens skulpturer ved Fredericia Station. Tragten er samtidig en hilsen til DSBs oprindelige vartegn, et bevinget hjul, som fx pryder Hotel Astoria ved Københavns Hovedbanegård.
Funnel wheel 

Sculpture by Glumsø Station. The form of the funnel wheel repeats the movement of people living spread out in the hinterland, gathered at one place, the station, for thereafter to be spred again in all directions. The sculpture points at the station as an valued infrastructural element in the town of Glumsø.
A greeting to the sculptures by Aagaard Andersen at Fredericia Station. The funnel is at the same time a greeting to the original landmark of DSB (the Danish railroads), a winged wheel, that adorns fx Hotel Astoria nearby the
Central Station in Copenhagen.
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