Kunst i det offentlige rum
Ved Glumsø Station på Midtsjælland placeret decentreret i forhold til jernbane og station ligger Skjernings store skulptur Tragthjul. Det er en menneskehøj åben konstruktion af ribber, der samles i en tragtform og holdes på plads af en flere meter i diameter stor ring. Skulpturen var egentlig tænkt i en større kontekst, idet der var tale om et fælles projekt med landskabsarkitekten Jeppe Aagaard Andersen. Tanken var, at skulptur og det rangérområde skulpturen er placeret i skulle omdannes til et slags ørken landskab med særlige planter. Skjerning fandt hos Jeppe Aagaard Andersen beslægtede visioner om fremelskning af biotopiske miljøer. Denne kontekstuelle dimension er desværre ikke blevet realiseret. Men denne tværæstetiske arbejdsform får forhåbentlig mulighed for at blive afprøvet i virkeligheden ud i fremtiden.
(LINK til udstillingsliste og udsmykning i Nyk.F.)
Tekst: Ann Lumbye Sørensen
Art in the public space
Next to Glumsø Station, in central Sjaelland, placed in such a way that it is de-centered with respect to the train tracks and to the railway station, lies Skjerning’s large sculpture, “Tragthjul” [Funnel Wheel]. As tall as a human being, the work is an open construction of ribbings that have been gathered into the shape of a funnel and are held in place by a large ring measuring several meters in diameter. The sculpture was actually envisioned as part of a larger context, since what was originally involved in the design of this sculpture was conceived as part of a joint project with landscape architect, Jeppe Aagaard Andersen. In his exchanges with Aagaard Andersen, Skjerning found kindred visions promoting the breeding of biotopic environments. The guiding notion for the original plan was that the sculpture and the shunting area within which the sculpture was supposed to be placed would be converted into some sort of desert landscape with special plants. As things came to pass, this contextual dimension has not been realized. However, in time to come, this cross-aesthetic way of working will hopefully be given an opportunity to be tested out in reality. (LINK to exhibition list and to the site-specific decorations project in Nykøbing Falster)
Tekst: Ann Lumbye Sørensen
Translation: Dan A. Marmorstein