The imagination of nature is culturally determined and mirrors our relationship to the landscape around us - and, not least, the benefit and joy that connect us with it.
On this page you click further and see more.
Sørup is a small farm where I have turned a conventional grown field into my interpretation of nature.
On the website Fugle og Natur is a registrant under construction by the name of location Smutigennem.
During som years my friend Jørn Skeldahl and I have travelled making photoregistrations of butterflies and orchids.
The natur photographer Jørn Skeldahl, Cordulegaster boltonii.
Click on the photo and see more at Flickr .
Here you can click and see examples of especially lepidoptera and orchids from the photo tours.
As a member of Akademiraadets Landskabsudvalg I have contributed to statements that can be read at the website of Akademiraadet.
Furthermore Landskabsudvalget stands behind several tematic releases.