Fotografiet spiller en indirekte rolle i den kunstneriske proces og spiller en direkte rolle som dokumentation af virkelighedens rum, der i collagens sammensætning i sidste instans spiller ind i konstruktionen eller konstitueringen af maleriet som en vigtig tilføjelse til opfattelsen af maleriets virkelighed.
Det er et forsøgsområde for Skjerning i et krydsfelt af muligheder og medier til uddybelse og refleksion over maleriets potentiale. Forskydninger og sammentræf af hinanden uvedkommende former og figurer understreger billedet som et imaginært område, et sted for forestillinger, associationer, hvor det umulige er muligt.
Tekst: Ann Lumbye Sørensen
The photograph plays an indirect role in the artistic process and plays a direct role as documentation of reality’s space, which in the collage’s composition ultimately plays into the construction or the constitution of the painting as an important supplement to the perception of the painting’s reality.
This is a testing ground for Skjerning, situated in a crossfield of possibilities and media for purposes of immersion and reflection on the potentials of painting. Displacements and coincidences of reciprocally incompatible forms and figures underscore the picture as an imaginary area, a place for conceptions and associations, where the impossible is possible.
Tekst: Ann Lumbye Sørensen
Translation: Dan A. Marmorstein
The photograph plays an indirect role in the artistic process and plays a direct role as documentation of reality’s space, which in the collage’s composition ultimately plays into the construction or the constitution of the painting as an important supplement to the perception of the painting’s reality.
This is a testing ground for Skjerning, situated in a crossfield of possibilities and media for purposes of immersion and reflection on the potentials of painting. Displacements and coincidences of reciprocally incompatible forms and figures underscore the picture as an imaginary area, a place for conceptions and associations, where the impossible is possible.
Tekst: Ann Lumbye Sørensen
Translation: Dan A. Marmorstein
The photograph plays an indirect role in the artistic process and plays a direct role as documentation of reality’s space, which in the collage’s composition ultimately plays into the construction or the constitution of the painting as an important supplement to the perception of the painting’s reality.
This is a testing ground for Skjerning, situated in a crossfield of possibilities and media for purposes of immersion and reflection on the potentials of painting. Displacements and coincidences of reciprocally incompatible forms and figures underscore the picture as an imaginary area, a place for conceptions and associations, where the impossible is possible.
Tekst: Ann Lumbye Sørensen
Translation: Dan A. Marmorstein